Seagate Technology Inc. Business Contract
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Seagate Technology Inc.
- Stock Purchase Agreement - Suez Acquisition Co. (Cayman) Ltd., Seagate Technology Inc., and Seagate Software Holdings Inc. (Oct 18, 2009)
- Letter Agreement - Suez Acquisition Co. (Cayman) Ltd. and VERITAS Software Corp. (Oct 18, 2009)
- Agreement and Plan of Merger and Reorganization - VERITAS Software Corp. and Seagate Technology Inc. (Oct 18, 2009)
- Indemnification Agreement - VERITAS Software Corp., Seagate Technology Inc. and Suez Acquisition Co. (Cayman) Ltd. (Oct 18, 2009)
- Restricted Share Unit Agreement - Outside Directors - Seagate Technology Inc. (Jun 01, 2012)
- Development and License Agreement - Seagate Technology Inc. and Dragon Systems Inc. (Oct 18, 2009)