MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between Jitong Network Communication Co., Ltd. and Chengdu Big Sky Network Technology Service Ltd. for the business cooperation Jitong and Big Sky had has a series of detail discussion for the business cooperation interested by both parties. After a friendly discussion, both parties reached a common for business both parties willing to cooperated: 1. Jitong and Big Sky will monitor the test processing of SOMA system jointly and application condition worldwide. Both parties will keep the contact to each other for latest development of SOMA system. 2. Bases on the test result and application condition of SOMA system worldwide, both parties will arrange the similar test in China as soon as possible. Both parties will discuss the detail issues regarding to the coming test. 3. Both parties will discuss the possibility of jointly construct SOMA system in China based on the test result. JITONG NETWORK CHENGDU BIG SKY NETWORK COMMUNICATION CO., LTD. TECHNOLOGY SERVICE LTD. /s/XIIANFU NING /s/ DAMING YANG ----------------- --------------- Xiianfu Ning, Daming Yang Vice President President October 15, 2001 October 15, 2001
Memorandum of Understanding - Jitong Network Communication Co. Ltd. and Chengdu Big Sky Network Technology Service Ltd.
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