This is FindLaw's collection of Insurance articles, part of the Corporate Governance section of the Corporate Counsel Center. Click on the articles below to learn about defense perspectives in bad faith claims and steps to take if you are the victim of an auto accident. Every year thousands of automobile accidents cause severe personal injuries and/or property damage. By acting promptly and responsibly, you can protect yourself and your family against lost wages and overwhelming medical bills. Law articles in this archive are predominantly written by lawyers for a professional audience seeking business solutions to legal issues. Start your free research with FindLaw.
Corporate Governance
Insurance Articles
Underlying Principles of Business Interruption Insurance
PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONSBack Commercial property insurance claims frequently involve more than a mere loss of tangible business property. Economic damages in the form of loss of income from suspended operations, or from extra expenses suffered as a ...
Insurers Obligated to Notify Insured of Changes in Coverage
An insurer has an affirmative obligation to call an insured's attention to changes in the insured's coverage. Whether an insurance company sufficiently notified an insured of a change in coverage at the time of policy renewal is a question of law to ...
Title Policy May not Cover Boundary Disputes
Occasionally, an author of a real estate article will suggest that an ordinary title insurance policy should be responsible for defects in a boundary survey. Regrettably, this is untrue. The title insurance policy typically purchased by Buyers ...
The Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act of 1996
The Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act of 1996 (NMHPA) was enacted on September 26, 1996 to provide protections for mothers and their newborns with regard to hospital lengths of stay following childbirth. NMHPA applies to group health plans ...
Insurance Company Liability for Bad Faith in Pennsylvania: Plaintiff's Perspective
From a plaintiff's perspective, a Pennslyvania insurance company should be held liable for bad faith dealings. In determining whether bad faith exists, the court may look to other cases construing the statute and the law of "bad faith" generally or the plain meaning of the term(s) used in the statute.
Connecticut Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage Issues
Since the uninsured motorist legislation and regulations do not specifically define an insured who is entitled to coverage under the uninsured motorist provisions of the policy, public policy mandates that an insurer provide uninsured motorist ...
Obligations of Insurance Companies When Handling Claims
Article provided by Furtado Jaspovice & Simons LC. Please visit our Web site at When a policyholder files a claim under his or her own insurance policy, the insurer has certain obligations to the insured and has a duty to act with ...
The Auto Insurance Dilemma: Which Coverages Should You Carry?
What car insurance do you have? Florida's financial responsibility law requires everyone who owns and operates a motor vehicle in this state to carry a minimum of Personal Injury Protection coverage (PIP) and Property Damage Liability coverage.
Investigating Employee Embezzlement
Recent studies indicate that employee embezzlement has become so rampant that it accounts for the majority of ordinary business losses suffered by employers. Some estimates indicate that more than $400 billion is stolen annually by employees in the ...
Handling Employee Theft Claims
Most health care professionals must trust their employees to handle the financial aspects of their practices and in almost all cases this trust is well-placed. However, there can be a bad apple in the barrell. What steps should you take when you ...