This is FindLaw's collection of Civil Procedure articles, part of the Litigation and Disputes section of the Corporate Counsel Center. It is the body of law surrounding procedural rules detailing how the court will handle a civil case. Civil procedure is a set of rules that help determine what pleas, orders and motions are allowed, as well as how to handle depositions and discovery. The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, adopted by the US federal court in 1938, has been used by most states. Law articles in this archive are predominantly written by lawyers for a professional audience seeking business solutions to legal issues. Start your free research with FindLaw.
Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure Articles
Supreme Court Affirms Ruling On "Potato Chip" Case: Good News For Employers
On June 16, 1998, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania made life a little easier for employers. In Rue v. K-Mart Corp., 713 A.2d 82 (Pa. 1998), the Court held that an employer is not bound by the factual findings of an Unemployment Compensation Referee ...
Witnesses' Statements in Wisconsin
Whether you are subrogating or defending on a liability policy, the importance of taking statements soon after a loss cannot be overemphasized. In a recent trial, the plaintiff, a young woman, was injured in a farm accident and argued that it was ...
The First Step in an Appeal: Keeping Track Of Error During the Trial
"This post-trial motion has been prepared without the benefit of a transcript of the trial proceedings. The plaintiff/defendant hereby incorporates all other allegations of error which have not been specifically noted in this motion." All ...
Tips When Testifying
Being questioned under oath by the other side, whether at trial or at deposition, will be most productive if you follow some basic principles: Tell the truth. Testimony is made up of questions and answers. Even more important than articulating the ...
Second Opinion or Cocktail Party Advice?
It is frequently true that attorney's opinions are based upon areas of uncertainty or ambiguity. Take for instance an attorney who is asked to express an opinion regarding the possibility of victory in a piece of civil litigation. In order to draw ...
The Business of Litigation Support
Litigation support, it turns out, is no more confined to expert witness testimony than the solar system is to Earth. Earth is what we know most about and it's where our understanding begins. However, everything doesn't revolve around us and we're ...
Texas Litigation: Stages of a Lawsuit
When most people think of the American legal system, they probably think of a courtroom where lawyers argue their cases to the jury under the auspices of a judge. The media and entertainment industry has bombarded the viewing public with dramatic ...
Terazosin Hydrochloride Antitrust Litigation
In what has become known as the Hytrin generic drug patent antitrust litigation, the 11th Circuit recently vacated certification of the class because of the potential for significant conflict among class members. Specifically, the court held that ...
Tax and Estate Planning for the Nouveaux Riches
One of the most enduring stereotypes in the legal profession, as well as in the public mind, is that of the private client solicitor. We are all familiar with the almost Dickensian image of the kindly practitioner who attended to the wills, estates ...
Second Circuit Reversal Regarding Disney's Fantasia On Videocassettes
The Second Circuit, in a significant, well-reasoned opinion by Judge Pierre Leval, reversed the district court for the Southern District of New York regarding Disney's release in 1991 of Fantasia in video format. Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers ...