This is FindLaw's collection of Other Litigation and Dispute articles, part of the Litigation and Disputes section of the Corporate Counsel Center. Here you'll find valuable information on Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Protection extended by the Supreme Court of the United States, an informative piece on understanding your ethical obligations as in-house counsel if you represent an employee, as well as the company, and frequently asked litigation questions. You'll also be able to learn the advantages that litigation finance offers to both corporate clients and their lawyers. Law articles in this archive are predominantly written by lawyers for a professional audience seeking business solutions to legal issues. Start your free research with FindLaw.
Other Litigation and Disputes
Litigation and Disputes
Other Litigation and Disputes Articles
Understanding the Legal Fee Agreement: Consumers' Rights in the Legal Marketplace
Finding the "right lawyer" to represent you is a challenging process describe in the companion to this article, How to Hire the "Right Lawyer": Consumers' Rights in the Legal Marketplace. Once you have found the"right lawyer," you will want a ...
Self-Representation: The Perils of Pro Se
Are you thinking of representing yourself or your business in litigation without an attorney? Or, have you been involved in a lawsuit in which the other side was self-represented? These are both examples of pro se representation.
Following Spouse to New Job is Held Good Cause for Termination of Employment
It was either a victory for family values or, as a dissenting judge described it, an unfair and unauthorized requirement that an employer subsidize the personal choices of its employees. The Rhode Island Supreme Court has held that an employee who ...
Attorney's Fees
This chapter explains various types of attorney fees, and how those fees are often determined. Some helpful tips to the consumer on how to keep their legal costs down are also included.An attorney bases fees on such factors as the degree of ...
Utility Credit: Fast Facts
for Consumers Utility Credit Whenever you are denied credit - including utility credit - you have the right to know the specific reason.Bureau of Consumer Protection Office of Consumer & Business Education (202) 326-3650 "My husband and I always ...
Discrimination In The Workplace: Jumping Through the EEOC Hoop
When an employee believes an employer has discriminated against him or her, the worker often can't just file a lawsuit in court to seek damages or reinstatement for discrimination. In many cases, where discrimination on the job has occurred, the ...
Be Careful What You Wish For: Successorship Liability From a Labor Law Perspective
Published in March, 1999 edition of The PEO Insider, The official publication of the National Association Professional Employer Organizations Imagine the struggling salesman's joy when he lands a huge new account for an emerging PEO. Four ...
Messenger Model IPAs Face Antitrust Enforcement
An "Independent Provider Association" ("IPA") network formed by a group of general and vascular surgeons in Tampa, Florida, has reached a settlement with the Department of Justice ("DOJ"), Antitrust Division, which had accused the IPA and ...
Ergonomics Standards
On November 22, 1999, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued a far-reaching Proposed Ergonomics Standard that would apply to manufacturing facilities ...
Children and Tobacco: A Guide to the New Federal Regulations
NICOTINE ADDICTION: A CRISIS IN CHILDREN'S HEALTH WHICH ONE IS 16? Can you tell which one is 16? If they walked into a store, would the clerk know which one was under 18? To eliminate the guesswork, FDA requires retailers to card anyone who is under ...