This is FindLaw's collection of Energy and Public Utilities Law articles, part of the Corporate Counsel Center Law Library. A public utility is a business or service, which may be publicly or privately owned, engaged in supplying the public generally with some commodity or service, such as electricity, gas, water, transportation, or telephone or telegraph service. The individual states' various public utilities commissions oversee electric companies, while electric utility boards are delegated power by the state legislature. Law articles in this archive are predominantly written by lawyers for a professional audience seeking business solutions to legal issues. Start your free research with FindLaw.
Energy and Utilities Law
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Energy and Utilities Law Articles
What Prompted Airline Deregulation 20 Years Ago? What Were the Objectives of That Deregulation and How Were They Achieved?
Overview of the factors that led to airline deregulation as described by former General Counsel for the Department of Transportation, John Barnum.
Marketing a Litigation Practice
If you're a litigator or you have litigators in your law firm, you undoubtedly have heard (or voiced) the mantra: "You can't market litigation." Admittedly, the nature of the practice can make it difficult. But once you understand some basic ...
Coordinating Efforts to Secure American Public Water Supplies
This article is co-authored by Tim De Young and Adam Gravley, a partner in the Seattle office of Preston Gates and Ellis, LLP, and was first published in Natural Resources and Environment, Volume 16, Number 3, Winter 2002, a publication of the ...
Carbon Monoxide Dangers
Odorless, colorless, and tasteless--carbon monoxide (CO) can float through your home without your sensing it. This deadly gas replaces oxygen in your blood, damaging body tissue and killing cells. Carbon monoxide poisoning results in confusion ...
Marketing Your Business For Success
Marketing plays a vital role in successful business ventures. How well the plan you develop markets your business, along with the management and financial management plans, will ultimately determine your degree of success or failure. The key ...
Unbundling of Natural Gas Local Distribution Companies' Services
On February 2, 1999, the Department of Telecommunications and Energy (the "Department") issued an order (the "Order") resolving certain issues associated with the restructuring of the natural gas industry, including: (1) capacity disposition, both ...
President Bush Signs Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002 Into Law
The Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002 was signed into law by President Bush on December 17, 2002. Congress had crafted the legislation as an amendment to the 1994 Pipeline Safety Law, largely in response to pipeline ruptures in Carlsbad, New ...
Utility Industry Deregulation Stimulates New Product and Service Offerings for the Healthcare Industry
Deregulation of the electric and gas utility industry is creating new opportunities for the healthcare industry to manage and reduce costs. As traditional monopoly suppliers of gas and electricity become "unplugged" from state and federal ...
Pennsylvania Power Shutoffs
When a Pennsylvania landlord commenced eviction proceedings against his tenants, they called the local electric company and arranged for disconnection of the electric service before leaving the premises. Because the tenants were the "ratepayers ...
The Double Edged Sword of Equating Supply and Demand
After California's recent experience, the many investment opportunities created by the utility industry deregulation are in jeopardy. Electric system reliability is a political necessity. The reverberations from California's rolling black-outs have ...