Maritime Law
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Maritime Law Articles
How the Emergency National Flood Insurance Program Works
FindLaw's overview of the National Flood Insurance Program managed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and ways in which communities can become eligible or lose their eligibility under the program.
New Permits Expand Wetlands Regulation-Half Acre or Less Now Regulated
Findlaw's discussion on the The United States Army Corps of Engineers regulation of wetlands that are 1/10 of an acre or more through the use of Nationwide Permits.
Recent Changes in Canadian Transportation Law
FindLaw's review of the history of Canadian transportation law and regulation as well as statutory obligations regarding the establishment trust accounts and the requirement to hold funds in trust for the benefit of carriers performing transportation services.
Environmental Law
The year 2004 has proven to be another active year for environmental law in Canada, which continues to develop in response to international and domestic influences. A noteworthy example of an international event with potentially far-reaching ...
Federal Courts Uphold Expansive Clean Water Act Jurisdiction Over Wetlands, Tributaries And Other Non-Navigable Waters
The United States Supreme Court has been called upon repeatedly in the last five years to define the limits of federal regulatory jurisdiction over wetlands, isolated waters and other non-navigable water bodies. In the latest development under the ...
Wetlands 'Protection' Threatens Property Owners
If you own property that contains wetlands, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers may attempt to assert its regulatory jurisdiction over those wetlands under the federal Clean Water Act. This jurisdictional issue is particularly important for landowners ...
Maritime Gaming & Available Tort Remedies
It's back! Riverboat Gambling and Dockside Gaming has returned with a spectacular bang. In April of 1991, Iowa pioneered the first riverboat casino in decades. (1). Quick to follow suit, Illinois and Mississippi joined in the race to capture a share ...
The Seaman's Entitlement to Maintenance, Cure and Unearned Wages
Injured seamen have rights beyond traditional workers' compensation benefits. Generally, injured workers are entitled to payment for related medical treatment, payment for loss of wages during the period of disability, and, ultimately, a permanent ...
U.S. Federal Maritime Commission Criticizes Faliure of Japan's Harbor Association to Reform Port Practices
Last year's ports disputes between the United States and Japan may re-emerge in the coming weeks as Japan's Harbor Transportation Association ("JHTA") has apparently failed to enact the necessary reforms required by the agreement reached by the two ...
Public Assistance Glossary
Glossary of Terms A state agency, local government, or eligible private nonprofit organization who submits a request to the Grantee for disaster assistance under the state.s grant. A systems approach to provision of equitable and fast service to ...