Government Law
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Government Law Articles
State Legislation and Administrative Law
FindLaw's helpful guide for researching state and federal laws and regulations with links to several legal research sites and government databases.
Legal Rights Of Senior Citizens
FindLaw's breakdown of common legal issues facing seniors with information on legal aid resources for consumers.
Employee and Spouse Railroad Retirement Annuities
Railroad retirement annuities provide a way for employees and their spouses to enjoy retirement after a long career. In this article, FindLaw discusses the numerous rules and regulations governing the calculation and disbursement of these annuities.
Railroad Retirement Survivor Benefits
Survivor benefits are the Railroad Retirement Board's way to financially reward an employee and their survivors for hard work. However, the eligibility of a railroad employee's family members to receive that reward can be impacted by different circumstances. Marriage, remarriage, other qualified beneficiaries, and age all play a part in eligibility and the amount of benefits received. Find out more as FindLaw discusses railroad retirement benefits.
Understanding Social Security Benefits
PEBES is a valuable document that estimates your future Social Security benefits and tells you how to qualify for those benefits. This service allows you to make a request for a PEBES with an online form. Why should I request a PEBES? You will ...
The Licensing Regime Under German Telecommunications Law: Implementation and Interpretation
FindLaw's analysis of the liberalization of telecommunications markets with a particular focus on the experience in Germany and critical legal loopholes in its statutory language relating to operators and users of transmission lines.
The Many Faces of Health Care Fraud
FindLaw's examination of the federal government's war on health care fraud and various techniques used by those engaging in such fraud.
Delayed Early Completion
Contractors sometimes plan to complete work on a project in less time than is allowed by the contract documents. In this article, FindLaw discusses how contractors who base the amount of overhead in their bid on such an early completion schedule may be damaged if early completion is delayed.
Overview of Terminations for Convenience under Assistance Sub-Agreements
Many governement agencies require prime contractors to use clauses allowing "termination for convenience" in their contracts with their subcontractors. In this article FindLaw discusses when and how businesses should use such clauses to both protect their interests and those of the public entities with which they contract.
Using the Metric System in Your Business
The United States is now the only industrialized country in the world that does not use the metric system as the dominant system of measurement. So, while a company in the U.S. may continue to use feet and yards, if it wants to sell products overseas, it most likely will have to use the metric system. In this article, FindLaw discusses how companies can implement a metric conversion system when doing business overseas.